Sonic 3 A I R Free Download

  • Developer: Travelers Tales
  • Genre: Racing
  • Originally on: Saturn (1997)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
  • Editor Rating:
  • User Rating: 6.7/10 - 9 votes
  • Rate this game:

Sonic 3 A.I.Rlink: Is built on top of the Sonic 3 & Knuckles Steam version. It works in some way similar to an emulator, and gets basically all of its data from the ROM that is part of this Steam release. So in order to play, owning the S3&K Steam game is a requirement! Sonic R was that pc game I always played at my grandmothers house. She had a Dell tower with Sonic 3&Knuckles and Sonic R. Of course I always played Sonic R. Its games like these that makes me miss the past, where dlc wasn't a thing or wireless connection. You had to go to your friend's house and sit with them and play games. According to its creator, Sonic 3 A.I.R. (also known as Sonic 3 Angel Island Revisisted) features 100% accurate Sonic 3 & Knuckles physics, allows players to choose Sonic, Tails.

While it did make its way to PC and later consoles, Sonic R was the only exclusive (at the time) Sonic the hedgehog game that the Sega Saturn would get in its lifetime. It is a game that has a very mixed fan base with some enjoying it and others ranking it as one of the worst Sonic games ever to be released. I fall on the side of that this is an ok game, but it does take a lot of dedication in order to get the best out of it.

Fast And Smooth

I want to start by talking about one of the aspects of the game I think is good and that is the presentation. Sonic is all about speed and Sonic R captures that speed very well. The game moves at a fast pace and there is very little pop in compared with other games of this era so I give it props for that.

There are only five tracks in this game! I know that may sound crazy, but to be fair the original Ridge Racer only had one (with variations) and people let that slide. While five tracks is not many. They counter this by making them huge and very non-linear with many ways to get to the end and many secret areas to find. Plus, these tracks capture the Sonic world perfectly. You only have four characters at the start of the game, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy, but you can unlock a few more such as the strange, but awesome Metal Knuckles which I do not think has appeared anywhere else.

Super Sonic Racing

Let’s talk about the soundtrack. I think that one of the coolest aspects of Sonic R is the soundtrack, I freaking love the soundtrack. While I can say that I like it, I can see why for some people the soundtrack may not be to their taste. It was not like anything else we had experienced in a Sonic game before and I appreciated that, plus it had that super catchy song…. You know the one I am talking about.

I Wish I Loved You!

I do feel that this is a game that has a lot going for it. I liked the fact that the single-player championship mode has a bit of a story to it. I liked how you unlocked characters in this mode as well. I also liked how you could play with friends to take part in time trials or burst balloons if you want. So, while there are not many tracks, Sega really gets the best out of them.

The problem is that the controls of Sonic R are best described as twitchy. When you are at high speeds, the controls can be very sensitive which can make taking corners really tough. I do think that the controls are manageable once you get the hang of them. It just takes a great deal of time and patience to do that and as I am a huge Sonic fan, I am willing to do this. I can see why others would not want to bother.

I can see why Sonic R is a game that some people do not like. It is a very, very hard game to love and requires a great deal of patience from the player to get to grips with the controls. With that being said, I do feel that this game is nowhere near as bad as some people make out. I for one, would loved to have seen Sega try and make another game like this on the Dreamcast! It may not be perfect, but this is a game I have always managed to have a good time with.

Final Score


  • Features some interesting characters like Metal Knuckles and Tails Doll
  • It captures the spirit of the franchise very well
  • I love the soundtrack
  • The game moves at a fast pace
  • The levels are non-linear


  • The game's controls take a long time to get the hang of
  • While I like all five tracks, a couple more would have been great

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Sonic 3 Download Free

System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible, P-200

OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

Game Features:Single game mode Multiplayer (Hotseat)

  • Developer: Sega
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Sega Genesis (1993)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
  • Editor Rating:
  • User Rating: 6.4/10 - 5 votes
  • Rate this game:
Sonic 3 A I R Free Download

I remember the hype behind Sonic the Hedgehog 3 like it was yesterday! The 16-bit Sonic games are some of my favorite games of all time and Sega went all in with this one. It was so big that it had to be split into two games for crying out loud! Today I am going super-fast as I take a look at one of the finest platform games the Sega Genes/Mega Drive has to offer.

Sonic 3 Download Free Pc

This Time The Stakes Are Super High!

Talking about the “story” of this game is rather hard. You see to get the complete experience you need Sonic & Knuckles as well. However, Sega went all in with this one. Once again Robotnik is causing trouble. However, he is being assisted by Knuckles who thinks that Sonic is bad, not to mention there is now a giant Chaos Emerald as well. It is crazy stuff and things just feel much “larger” in scale than in the previous Sonic games.

Getting It All Out Of The Genesis

The visuals of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 are some of the best that the Genesis has to offer. The leap from Sonic 2 to this is just staggering and it is one aspect of the game that does not get talked about enough for me. Each of the zones has its own style, but the amount of details and scope of each one is amazing. From the lush jungles of Angel Island to the wackiness of Carnival Zone to the breathtakingly cold Ice Cap Zone. Each section of the game has its own theme and style.

Go Hedgehog!

The soundtrack is amazing as you would expect from a Sonic game. While we all know that the tunes from the first game are classics. If I had to pick a favorite soundtrack from the Sonic series hands down it would be Sonic the Hedgehog 3. There has always been the rumor that Michael Jackson had something to do with this. I do not know for sure if that is true (I like to think it is) what I can tell you for sure is that the music in this game is awesome!

Short, But Sweet

The biggest complaint that most people and myself have about this game is the length. It is far too short! They give you a save game feature which is cool, but I feel this was really there for Sonic & Knuckles. While the game is very short, the levels are rather large, there is a new mini-game, and getting those Chaos Emeralds is as tough as it has ever been. So yes, you can get through the game fairly quickly, but the fact is this game is amazing from start to end.

Sonic controls just like he always has done. There are some new things added to the game. Tails is much more useful this time around and if you are stuck being player 2 and you have to be Tails, it is much more enjoyable. The biggest difference in the gameplay is the power-ups. Now Mario can no longer judge Sonic for a lack of power-ups as Sonic has some of his own. He can use a fire shield that can make him burst forward in a flame ball! A water bubble that lets him breathe underwater and bounce, he can also use a magnetic shield that will attract rings. These are a lot of fun to use and they let you take a hit before you lose your rings.

Look we all know that Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is only half the experience of what Sega intended. However, even without Sonic & Knuckles locked on this is a truly amazing platform game. It is a bit on the short side, but from start to end this is one hell of a thrill ride and it is the perfect challenge for those of us who had mastered Sonic 1 and 2.

Final Score


Sonic 3 A I R Free Download Torrent

  • The graphics are amazing
  • Each of the 6 zones feels unique
  • I loved the new power-ups
  • The game is very challenging
  • One of the best soundtracks the console has to offer


  • It technically is only half a game
  • It is a bit on the short side

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System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible, P-100

OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Download

Game Features:Single game mode