Office 2016 Mac Uninstall Script

  • Microsoft Office 2016 activation script for all versions - office2016activation.bat.
  • At the bottom of the browser window, select Open to open the O15CTRRemove.diagcab file. If the file doesn’t open automatically, choose Save Open Folder, and then double-click the file (it should start with 'O15CTRRemove') to run the easy fix tool. The Uninstall Microsoft Office.
  • The Office 2019 Activation ID is 70512334-47B4-44DB-A233-BE5EA33B914C, and the Office 2016 Activation ID is 98EBFE73-2084-4C97-932C-C0CD1643BEA7. CAUTION: If you intend to uninstall the product key for Office.
Office 2016 mac uninstall script free
  • Create, run, and share your Office Add-in code snippets from within Excel, Word, or PowerPoint.


For those of us who utilize the 'Public Software - Microsoft Office 2016' here is a script that uninstalls and removes Microsoft Office 2016 Files. Although the dockutil portion of the script is not quite working yet to remove dock icons. Here is the script that I would be open for constructive criticisms or improvements on the script itself. So, there are a lot of people who want to completely uninstall Office 2016 Mac. How to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 on Mac. Microsoft Office is an amazing tool but it doesn't work as smooth on Mac as it does on Windows. For such reasons, people try to remove it from their MacBook.

Experiment with the Office JavaScript API without ever leaving Excel, Word, or PowerPoint! You can use Script Lab to:

  • Create and edit code snippets that can include JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and references to libraries and data on the web
  • Run the snippets and instantly see the result in a task pane and in the Office document
  • Get started quickly with a selection of samples
  • Share and save your snippets with GitHub gists
  • Learn the JavaScript API with the help of IntelliSense while you edit
  • Try TypeScript: make use of lambda functions, template strings, or even the latest TypeScript 2.0+ features like async/await
  • Prototype an add-in you’re planning to develop

There’s no need to install any other software or configure your environment: as long as you have Office, you can get started in seconds. Script Lab works in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint (Office 2013 and later, Office Online, and Office for Mac). The source code for Script Lab is open to the community at We welcome your contributions.

Office 2016 Mac Uninstall Script


Script Lab, a Microsoft Garage projectWith Script Lab you can create and run Office Add-in code snippets from within Excel, Word, or PowerPoint, using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and data from the web. Script Lab is available for Office 2016, Office 2013, Office 2016 for Mac, and Office Online.

Meet the team

Windows 10 Uninstall Office 2016


Michael Zlatkovsky, Bhargav Krishna, Daniel M. Galan, Jakob Nielsen, Michael Saunders

Script Lab Team

Uninstall Office 2016 Pc

Redmond Lab